All pricing is in US$ and exclusive of taxes. For information regarding product licensing, please consult our End User License Agreement.

Purchase Orders and Terms

When you purchase software from us, you are buying digital goods with immediate fulfilment. As such, we do not accept purchase orders or offer terms directly or indirectly via our payment processors. Terms are strictly COD. If your purchasing process mandates purchase orders or pro forma invoices, please contact one of our resellers.

FireDaemon Zero 4 for Home, Business, and Enterprise Users

The product is designed for end-user use and is supplied as a 64-bit EXE installer.

One (1) license is required per physical physical laptop, physical workstation, physical server, or virtual machine. Licenses are perpetual (i.e. the software product does not expire). Point upgrades are free (e.g. 4.0.4 to 4.0.5). Support is best effort. Maintenance subscriptions are no longer available.

You can purchase FireDaemon Zero licenses via the following payment processors:

License QuantitySKU12-2526-7576+
Volume Discount
FireDaemon Zero 4 End User License266470$50.00$45.00$40.00$35.00

FireDaemon Zero 4 OEM for Integrators and Developers

FireDaemon Zero 4 OEM is only available to customers with existing Zero 2 or 3 OEM software assurance and priority technical support subscriptions. You can no longer purchase FireDaemon Zero 4 OEM.

FireDaemon Zero 4 MSP for Managed Service Providers and Cloud Service Providers

FireDaemon Zero 4 MSP has been retired and can no longer be purchased.