N: New I: Improvement F: Fix

* 3.0.2 25 February 2025
  N Can generate CSRs for any purpose (e.g. TLS) or code signing
  N Show default country code when creating CSRs
  I Improved visual feedback when calculating hashes
  F SHAKE-128 and SHAKE-256 checksum calculations didn't work

* 3.0.1 21 February 2025
  F Minor bug fixes and improvements

* 3.0.0 17 February 2025
  N Create self-signed certificate including code signing certificate
  N Generate certificate signing request
  I Incorporates OpenSSL 3.4

* 2.0.0 4 August 2023
  N Ability to calculate all hashes offered in OpenSSL 3.1 including BLAKE, RIPEMD, all SHA2, all SHA3, SHAKE and SM3

* 1.0.3 18 June 2023
  I Resizable GUI
  I EV signed package
  I Toolchain update including Windows App SDK 1.3

* 1.0.2 1 February 2023
  N Initial Release
  N Digitally signed MSIX package
  N Embedded resources
  N Ships with hybrid-CRT OpenSSL builds
  N Application window shows the Lozenge icon
  N MSIX package shows the Lozenge icon
  N Shows all files in the file picker dialog
  N "Size" label contains "Bytes" as unit denominator
  N Copy button for each checksum field
  N Calculation of SHA3-256