The tables below summarise Microsoft Windows, FireDaemon Zero, and FireDaemon ZeroInput operating system kernel compatibility and supported deployment combinations and limitations. Not all Windows operating system versions are supported. Please also review:

  1. Microsoft Windows Session 0 Isolation and Interactive Services Detection
  2. FireDaemon Zero Compatibility and Support Matrix
  3. FireDaemon ZeroInput Compatibility and Support Matrix
  4. FireDaemon Zero Release Notes
  5. FireDaemon ZeroInput Release Notes

FireDaemon ZeroInput and Windows 11 and Server 2025 Kernel Compatibility

Security changes in Windows 11 and Server 2025 will cause the FireDaemon ZeroInput driver to not function properly. This means you will not be able to see the contents of the Session 0 desktop when switching to Session 0 via FireDaemon Zero and will be presented with a black screen. The table below summarises the Windows kernel version where the latest FireDaemon Zero and corresponding ZeroInput version are compatible and work properly (i.e. you can access Session 0 and see interactive FireDaemon Pro services running). This does not affect services run by FireDaemon Pro on Windows 11 and Server 2025. FireDaemon Pro services will run normally on Windows 11 and Server 2025, irrespective of ZeroInput compatibility.

ZeroInput VersionWindows Kernel VersionStatusLast Tested<= Windows 10 22H2 19045.5371Compatible2 February 2025<= Windows 11 23H2 22631.4460Compatible17 December 2024>= Windows 11 23H2 22631.4602Incompatible (1)17 December 2024>= Windows 11 24H2 26100.2605Incompatible (2)17 December 2024<= Windows Server 2016 1607 14393.7785Compatible3 March 2025<= Windows Server 2019 1809 17763.6893Compatible3 March 2025<= Windows Server 2022 21H2 20348.3027Compatible3 March 2025<= Windows Server 2025 24H2 26100.3194Incompatible (2)27 February 2025

  1. Session 0 functionality is limited. Due to Windows Update KB5048685 and KB5050021, the keyboard and (possibly) mouse do not appear to work on Session 0. Remove the update(s) to restore keyboard and mouse functionality.
  2. Viewing the Session 0 desktop is not possible. The ZeroInput driver cannot patch win32kfull.sys due to removed or relocated win32kfull.sys entry points.

LTSC and IoT Versions of Microsoft Windows Operating Systems

Given the compatibility situation with retail versions of Windows 11 and Server 2025, you might consider deploying Long Term Support Channel (LTSC) or Internet of Things (IoT) versions of Windows 10 and 11 and LTSC versions of Windows Server operating systems. These versions are not subject to feature updates, meaning the kernel version remains static. LTSC and IoT versions continue to receive security updates and are supported for at least 10 years from release date. Reddit has a vibrant LTSC community. Additionally, the end of Windows 10 support is greatly exaggerated. Check out ESU, 0Patch, or Massgrave. Please see the following to get a snapshot of the support status of all Windows Desktop and Server operating system versions:

Zero and ZeroInput Deployment Matrix

Windows Operating System VersionIs FireDaemon Zero compatible?Is the UI0Detect Service present?Should I deploy FireDaemon Zero?Do I need to create the UI0Detect Service?Should I deploy FireDaemon ZeroInput?Are Interactive FireDaemon Pro Services visible on Session 0?Are Interactive Windows Services visible on Session 0?Is Access to Session 0 via RDP Permitted?
Windows VistaNo
Server 2008NoYesNoNoNoYesYes
Windows 7Yes
Server 2008 R2YesYesYesNoNoYesYes
Windows 8YesYesYesNoNoYesYes
Server 2012YesYesYesNoNoYesYes
Windows 8.1YesYesYesNoNoYesYes
Server 2012 R2YesYesYesNoNoYesYes
Windows 10 < 1803 (1)YesYesYesNoYes (4)
Windows 10 >= 1803 (1,2)YesNoYesNo (3)
Yes (4,5)
No (7)
Windows 11 <= 23H2 (2)(10)Yes
No (3)
Yes (6)(10)
No (7)
Windows 11 24H2 (2)NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Server 2016YesYesYesNoYes (4)
Server 2019 (2)YesNoYesNo (3)
Yes (4)
Yes (8)
Server 2022 (2)YesNoYesNo (3)
Yes (5,6)
Yes (9)
No (7)
Server 2025 (2)NoNoNoNoNoNoNo
All Other Server VersionsNoNo No No No No No 

  1. The Interactive Services Detection Service (UI0Detect) is preserved if FireDaemon Zero was deployed on Windows 10 1709 or earlier, which is then upgraded to Windows 10 1803 or later
  2. The Interactive Services Detection Service (UI0Detect) has been removed from Windows 10 1803 or later, Windows 11, Server 2019, Server 2022, and Server 2025
  3. The FireDaemon Zero installer will create the UI0Detect service for you
  4. Deploy FireDaemon ZeroInput (For <= Windows 10 1809, Server 2016, Server 2019)
  5. Deploy FireDaemon ZeroInput (For >= Windows 10 1903, Server 2022)
  6. Deploy FireDaemon ZeroInput (For <= Windows 11 23H2, Server 2022)
  7. Access to Session 0 via RDP is prohibited and does not work. Your RDP session will freeze. You must use another third-party remote control software, such as TeamViewer or TSPlus, that provides direct access to the Windows console session to gain remote access to Session 0. Alternatively, you can gain access to Session 0 via the physical or virtual machine console (e.g. via VMware Remote Console - VMRC)
  8. You can switch to Session 0 without restriction. However, when you switch back from Session 0, you will be returned to the Windows logon screen rather than your user desktop.
  9. Enable Legacy Console Mode to see console-based programs running on Session 0 when using TeamViewer for remote control.
  10. KB5048685 and KB5050021 blocks keyboard and mouse input on Session 0 on Windows 11 23H2. To continue using your keyboard and mouse on Session 0, you will need to uninstall this security update.