N: New I: Improvement F: Fix S: Security ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIREDAEMON PRO 6 PRE-RELEASE THIS VERSION IS IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT WORKS WITH FIREDAEMON FUSION 8 ONLY PLEASE READ THE RELEASE NOTES: https://kb.firedaemon.com/support/solutions/articles/4000211955 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 6.0.0-6.0.23 build here February 2025 N FireDaemon Pro UI+CLI can be run as a regular user N SID Type renamed to Run Permissions. Programs can now be run unelevated N Windows Per-user service templates can be edited. Pro is the only product that can do this N Multiple FireDaemon Pro and Windows services Resource Monitors (Ctrl+Alt+R) N Per FireDaemon Pro and Windows services live event log (Ctrl+Alt+E) N CLI extended to show or set service DACLs N CLI extended to extract a service user account's password in cleartext N Monthly Restart schedules N Halt schedules N Schedules support fixed calendar days and dates (e.g. 1st Monday of month) N Schedules support granular start time (e.g. Restart at 12:03 AM) N Schedule previews (i.e. visualisation of the schedule in a calendar) N Services sortable in the GUI via Tag N Support for P and E cores N Run service based on Program Preconditions including user session (logged in/out), network availability, host pingable (ICMPv4/v6), endpoint availability (host/port/protocol) - Precondition combined with logical AND (i.e. all preconditions must be true) - Host name resolution conducted in a non-blocking manner - For ping and endpoints any successful connection is considered as "host available" - Resolved addresses are re-resolved automatically after DNS TTL. Logged in local time. - Cancelling ICMP preconditions conducted in a non-blocking manner - Process column status indicates awaiting preconditions - Preconditions are suspended and resumed on power management notifications - Precondition observes service launch delay, which is included in the log file - Preconditions can be imported or amended I Numerous UI improvements (layout, visibility, text consistency, hints, tooltips) I Program Parameters can span multiple lines for improved readability (use CTRL+Enter) I Resized the edit field for Program Parameters with auto-wrap text I Display logical processor topology information I FireDaemon Pro 3 migration scripts removed from the OEM package I The event log includes the event program's disposition I Installer confirmation dialog when upgrading from FireDaemon Pro 4 or 5 to 6 I Load Order Group is pre-populated I Procedure for restarting services that could fail due to SCM peculiarities I Service control in the FireDaemon Pro UI is much snappier I Program Preconditions now work correctly with a launch delay. The launch delay is now a precondition itself, which is visible in the log file accordingly I No more N/A messages in dialogs (yay) I Refined the output of the CLI command that uninstalls services I Refined the error message when controlling a service fails I Refined error message when a service fails to start because the service user account cannot interact with the desktop I Check at service startup if the program to run as a service can be executed I GUI text search includes the PID column I UI0Detect service event log displayed from multiple sources I Skip loading of non-existent icon variants so that they do not appear in the Sysinternals Process Monitor I Confirm or reject attempts to switch to Session 0 via RDP, which may result in RDP session freezes I The toolbar button focus remains activated even if one of the monitoring windows has the focus I Handling of delay values in service recovery for Windows services includes conspicuous input validation and that 49710 days is treated as an infinite fail count F Legacy XML transformations did not work on Server 2025 F Numerous layout, verbiage and other fixes and improvements ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIREDAEMON PRO 5 PRODUCTION STABLE THIS VERSION IS END OF DEVELOPMENT (BUGFIX ONLY) WORKS WITH FIREDAEMON FUSION 7 ONLY PLEASE READ THE RELEASE NOTES: https://kb.firedaemon.com/support/solutions/articles/4000194049 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.17 build here March 2025 F Legacy XML transformations did not work on Server 2025 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.15-16 build here February 2025 F Services imported via the CLI were not properly reloaded F "Service modified" message removed when clicking on an already active radio button F Changes to sub-intervals correctly reflected in the schedule summary F FireDaemon Pro 3 services exported with a user defined restart frequency could not be imported F Restarts did not take place if duration schedules were running F Cloned services extracted the service password from the wrong original service ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.14 build here November 2024 I "Restart computer" message box didn't accept ENTER key, only Ctrl+ENTER I The ACL list in the Security tab did not resize I Removed superfluous whitespace in the CLI status output I Better handle delay values for service recovery for Windows services F Crash if Default Template was too recent F The annoying "Service modified" message was removed when clicking buttons in service definition dialogs F Corrected CTRL-Tab order on Recovery and Response dialogs F Checkboxes in list controls and buttons on floating tools are correctly redrawn when the theme changes F Reading REG_MULTI_SZ registry values is more robust F Invisible EventLog entry in the Applications and Services Windows Event Logs if the service definition failed to load ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.13 build here October 2024 I Scroll to the first item after removing the service from the Pre-Shutdown list F Possible infinite loop when shutting down services with dependencies via CLI F Removed annoying "Service modified" message when adding service dependencies and then clicking on one of the dependency list boxes ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.12 build here September 2024 I Dark theme extended to the Resource Monitor I Manage special access rights properly for certain built-in services (e.g. MDCoreSvc) I Skip loading non-existent icon variants I Handle the condition where service definitions were too recent F Could not see buttons on Pro GUI landing page for Pro 3 migration ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.11 build here May 2024 I Improved error message when a service fails to start due to the service user account not being able to interact with the Session 0 desktop I Search also includes PID F GUI crashed when hovering over the restart button of a service that cannot be started (e.g. WdiServiceHost) F Graceful reload did not take into account changes in the launch delay F Text was clipped in the Options -> Service Control ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.10 build here May 2024 N Service search box prompt I Stabilised restarting services from the CLI I Renamed CLI command "edit --startup-type" to "edit --startup-mode" for consistency (previous command available via synonym) F List grouping issue when service was removed from a group F Incorrect control of services with dependencies when managed via CLI F Crash when opening a Windows service for editing that had specific permissions ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.9 build here April 2024 F Installing or importing an XML file would fail if empty text strings for certain settings were present ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.8 build here March 2024 F Importing a service with user credentials failed to start F Tag groups were not sorted correctly F Possible to save invalid service definition XML ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.4.0-5.4.7 build here March 2024 N Installer confirmation dialog when upgrading from Pro 4 N Installer can check for missing language packs N Installer option to remove all FireDaemon Pro services on uninstall N XML configuration files contain additional export information (host, user, date/time) N Service control via CLI uses a notification-based worklist. This means fast start/stops and the ability to cancel service control actions N firedaemon.exe returns specific error codes instead of "success" to the SCM when service initialisation fails I Reworded general service rights Read, Modify, Execute I Service control process stability improvements I Uniform hang detection nomenclature in GUI, event log, and debug log I Binary optimisation to reduce resource footprint I Improved interaction with the operating system thread pool via one-time assignment of subprocess wait object I Additional debug log trace if registration of the process handle in the thread pool fails I Consolidated CLI behaviour and options when installing a FireDaemon Pro service I CLI displays a warning when an unknown command is passed to the help subcommand I Disambiguate CLI option to add or update an action schedule I Aligned kind and wording of CLI progress messages when exporting services I Improved in-session restarts of services and graceful reloads via CLI I Improved error messages when XML import via CLI fails I Service control CLI list displays services names rather than display name I Service control CLI start and restart commands skip disabled services I Service control CLI wording/output when controlling services I Installer will terminate if the FireDaemon Pro GUI is running in other user sessions I Installer will force FireDaemon Pro to be installed into the same directory on upgrade I Installer checks the product certificate chain is present before attempting to install the product F CLI would crash if an unknown command or argument was passed F Crash in FireDaemon Pro GUI when installing a service twice via CLI F Event log messages path was incorrect F Service export sometimes did not work when using CLI F Uninstallation via Control Panel did not display installer full user interface S Installation of service definition XML via CLI was not fully validated. Path checks can be skipped with new --exclude-path-checks option S Numeric options when creating or editing a service via CLI were not fully validated ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.3.1 build here December 2023 I Parameters field has been made larger / auto wraps to make long command lines easier to read I Debug log contains the Event Disposition (e.g. Before Program Launch) I FireDaemonCLI create includes --startup-type option so you can specify the service startup type S Extended SBoM to show all software components S Removed VBS scripts from the Pro OEM ZIP file F Inadvertent launch of online help when clicking Switch to Session 0 icon F GUI would crash when hovering over a service that cannot be loaded F FireDaemonCLI status --pid option was on by default F FireDaemonCLI deconfigure help description was inaccurate ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.3.0 build here October 2023 I Renamed the untagged/ungrouped group of services to "Untagged" and "Ungrouped" I Minor text change for Unspecified processor groups F Incorrect XML schema was present that prevented Fusion from creating services with empty tags ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.2.5 build here September 2023 I Pretty-print exported XML definition files I Per-user Windows service instances are now read-only ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.2.4 build here July 2023 I Display system local name in System Overview I Keep default SIDs in FireDaemon Pro service's ACL intact to stop users locking themselves out of their own services I Disable Restore SID Defaults for Windows services I Re-order CPU priority class F Various broken CLI commands and help text ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.2.3 build here June 2023 I Tool tips accurately reflect why a service cannot be changed I Scheduling date and time formats follow system locale F Resource Monitor did not work on Windows 10 F Context menu corrections after changing a service configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.2.2 build here June 2023 I Adjusted default service definition template to recognise a flapping process within 50ms I License information gets trimmed when pasted I Ability to copy/paste all license information from order confirmation I Coalesce and throttle reactions to service and process status updates in the GUI I Updated keyboard shortcuts I Corrected tooltips in resource monitor graphs I Thin dotted line included in the resource monitor graphs to indicate start of measurements I Visual groups are now reactive elements, including a context menu F Resource monitor would show empty graphs for process trees F Status bar text was wrong when hovering over context menu items ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.2.1 build here May 2023 N Group Attribute column for Windows Services I Renamed default colour scheme to "Windows Default" I Minor tool tip text updates I Single background colour for the service list to improve legibility F Taskbar and update bar now show the correct text of full messages F Hot cloning two services simultaneously would result in the same service name F Fix a crash when hot cloning a "ghosted" service (i.e. one with a missing service definition file) ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.2.0 build here May 2023 N Windows Services can be grouped by SVCHOST and LSASS group N FireDaemon Pro GUI displays the total number of services visible, total number of services, and the total number of services selected N Additional service control information is provided when hovering over the start, stop, and restart buttons N For running Windows Services, if you hover over the Status column, you will see what control codes are accepted by that service N When you hover over the main service control buttons, additional information is displayed advising what actions can be applied to the selected services N Schedules can be exported as XML from the Scheduling tab by right clicking on the schedule list field I If a service cannot be controlled, as part of a multiple-service control action, then the action will not applied to the service that cannot be controlled I You can now set the Theme directly. The theme also available via the Options dialog I Removed dependency on Visual Studio C++ Runtime I Resource Monitor summarises CPU, RAM, and I/O utilisation for the entire process tree. I For FireDaemon Services, the Resource Monitor displays the number of processes in the process tree I For Windows Services, the Resource Monitor displays the program running as a service I Revised the wording and capitalisation of various tooltips I Renamed "System Services" to "Windows Services" for consistency I Left aligned PID column for better legibility I Color theme can be selected. Previous you had to cycle through the options I Visual grouping of services is on by default F Colour styles applied of Security tab were incorrect F Cryptic CLI error messages removed F firedaemoncli.exe list-all did not work as expected F Missing tooltips F Sorting of Startup Type column did not work as expected F Hot tracking toolbar lists did not work as expected when scrolling F Tags could only be 14 characters long. Now 255 characters long F Service security ACL editor would not update permissions if they were changed in the Advanced View dialog F Service security ACL editor does not remove "Change Permissions" F CoreETW.man manifest missing from OEM package ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 5.0.0-5.1.3 build here May 2023 N 64-bit only N Hardware-based code signing N Themes (Dark, Light, Automatic) N Live service monitoring and reporting N Live service resource monitoring N Service tagging N GUI, CLI, and service component separation N CLI rationalisation N ETW logging N Security ACLs N Advanced Installer MSI installer ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIREDAEMON PRO 4.6 THIS VERSION IS END OF LIFE. PLEASE UPGRADE WORKS WITH FIREDAEMON FUSION 6.6 ONLY PLEASE READ THE RELEASE NOTES: https://kb.firedaemon.com/support/solutions/articles/4000123180 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.6.2-4.6.3 build here November 2022 I Toolchain update I Digital certificate update F Incorrectly reporting program was scheduled when in fact it was stopped F Cosmetic updates to the GUI F If the default template failed to load causing various random errors (!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.6.0-4.6.1 build here January 2022 I Updated EULA and README I Updated VC Runtime F CPU bindings might break during service XML import from machine with more CPUs / cores F Product correctly reports Windows 11 and Server 2022 versions on screen and in logs F Product would continually restart a program if the schedule start date was in the future F Tab order controls were out of order on the Logging tab F Trial mode issues ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.35 build here July 2021 I Windows 10 versions correctly identified (e.g. 20H2) I Minor UI updates F Non-operational daily scheduling didn't work ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.34 build here May 2021 N System locale and timezone details included in debug log F Crash when using Duration schedules F Help output text corrections ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.33 build here March 2021 I License expiry type displayed for all license types (trial, perpetual, time-limited) I Service definition is validated prior to transformation during import I Log failed service creation via CLI when "nochecks" is used I Full XML error details are displayed when importing an invalid service definition ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.32 build here February 2021 N --configure --TurnOffOnboardingCues to disable visual cues in the Pro OEM GUI F License registration dialog crash ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.31 build here February 2021 N Improved technical error reporting when importing XML schedule fragments I Log entries for application hangs are informational rather than an error F Service information not refreshed when editing a service F Programs would not start when a 'Halt' scheduled completed ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.30 build here January 2021 F Schedules created prior to 4.5.26 would not be imported ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.29 build here January 2021 F Crash when default template could not be loaded F Reading / displaying numeric recovery option values for system services didn't work F Services with "Enable Actions for Stops with Errors" recovery option could not be stopped ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.28 build here December 2020 F Crash when editing Windows service dependencies ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.27 build here December 2020 N Additional services settings included as part of graceful reload N User guide URLs N Registration Information available from Start Menu N Additional environment variables FDProcessId and FDProcessCreationTime I Servicing release (VC++ 16.8) F Saving changes sometimes didn't update SCM settings F Decouple responding to dialogs from Freeze Detection F Environment variables were not available "In Session" ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.26 build here November 2020 I Compatibility updates. Use with FireDaemon Fusion 6.5.20 or later only F Modified schedules were always saved even when you cancelled F Program uptime and downtime calculations were incorrect when overlapping duration and halt schedules were used ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.25 build here October 2020 F GUI crash when saving a new service ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.24 build here September 2020 I Updated README F Service couldn't be created after applying license F Ghost floating toolbar after deleting a service would cause a crash F Advanced UI animations would cause a crash if they couldn't be played ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.23 build here June 2020 N Service SID Type configurable via Settings tab I Control Flags option deprecated and removed from Settings tab I Additional revised field names and tools tips for consistency I Reloadable changes to services definitions (e.g. scheduling) are reflected immediately in the running service I CLI --edit option --NoApply to stop changes propagation to a running service F Process statistics for Windows services were always zero F Password was not checked when editing a service via CLI --edit F Application of incorrect license would drop the product back into trial mode ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.22 build here June 2020 I Revised field names and tools tips for consistency I Smother experience when editing services F Incorrect program state displayed when a Restart and Duration schedule overlapped F Crash if Launch or Termination Event program could not be run F Unit labels were displayed incorrectly when DPI > 100% F Could not change Recovery options Reset Fail Count After and Reset Service After ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.21 build here May 2020 N Service SID Type can be set on the command line when creating or editing services N Statistics monitoring can be deactivated in the GUI I Services now created with no Service SID type to maximise application compatibility F User verification failed during service import if the user account lacked Logon As A Service rights F Couldn't clone a service if the service contained regular expression characters F Couldn't edit a service if the service contained regular expression characters F Can select Group Managed Service User Accounts from Windows User Browser F Couldn't import / export services from / to UNC paths ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.20 build here April 2020 N Ability to --edit and gracefully reload service lifecycle options via the CLI I Self completing tasks that return a 0 exit code yield an Information event log entry instead of an Error event log entry ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.19 build here March 2020 N Textual description when defining a schedule I Service lifecycle now applied to Job Groups I Application restart upon logoff now works the same as Pro 3 F Crash when dropping service definition into the Pro GUI ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.5.18 build here February 2020 N Ability to send custom commands via STDIN N Ability to choose processor group affinity N Displays and logs information about NUMA nodes affected by N Search box for filtering services N Observe user logoff when 'running in a session of N Make inbound Drag'n'Drop work N Disable context menu on all MDI child frames, listing "Output" pane N Lifecycle options based on exit code N Improve event-logging on subprocess termination N Run after-event post-phase programs on successful completion N 'Kill All' now only kills the subprocess and lets the FireDaemon service handle the rest N Ability to launch programs that require higher execution levels N Ability to terminate/restart the hung application N Terminate job group when the primary process terminates N Propagate subprocess' exit code to 'after-event' post-programs N More fine-grained options when to run 'after-event' post-programs N Option to exit a subprocess N Onboarding: hotspots (visual cues), first landing in regard to license key and Pro 3 migration N Confirm actions controlling all services N Run on current input desktop when started in-session N Retain service account password when cloning services N Retain service account password when importing services N Ability to switch to service's desktop when started in-session N Revive launch delay N Ability to change border and hover color of toolbar buttons via skin.xml file N Consistency in terminology for Event Programs and Program Type N Additional Restart repetition intervals N Tooltips for the lists hosting the Event Programs N Revive launch delay N Support 'Halt' schedules (no UI) N Edit launch delay from the command line N Ability to import schedules N Consistency of double quotes in CLI help output N Setup.exe is now dual-signed F Reflect CPU affinity across job group F Correctly determine memory usage for the 64-bit process under F Allow explicitly setting 'unspecified' processor group F Improve pre-shutdown order list handling F Enable 'Bring to Front' context menu item only for the current session F Resize schedule dialog to be wide enough for various settings F Ship with different default lifecycle settings F Fix CPU affinity check with only one core F Wait until restart of a Restart schedule when a launch delay is configured and the time point of hot-reloading a schedule overlaps with the launch delay F Fix condition with one processor core where subprocess wouldn't get launched w/o a launch delay F Fix infinite termination/launch loop once 'hung program' detection kicks in F Fix losing virtual service user account F Postpone question for possible reboot until end of the upgrade installation F Suspend scheduled restarts only after reaching flap/fail count F Align wording for "Startup Type" with the Service Control Manager terminology F Fixed a crash on most recent Windows 10/Server 2016 that occurred when the trial period has expired ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIREDAEMON PRO 4.0 THIS VERSION IS END OF LIFE. UPGRADE TO FINAL PRO 4.6 FOR FREE WORKS WITH FIREDAEMON FUSION 6.0 ONLY ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.72 build here November 2019 I Disable Migration information pane in Pro OEM F Landing page buttons didn't work on XP F Dual sign modules and executables for XP F Subprocess was not launched if a future restart schedule present ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.71 build here October 2019 N CLI hot reload service schedule after modification ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.70 build here October 2019 N Skinning of the Section Bar I Duration schedules take precedence over Restart schedules I Schedules suspended on power state changes F Crash when service user account password is changed F Detects service user account without administrative rights F OEM customisation errors when using --configure directive ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.69 build here September 2019 F Installer dialog sequence F Installer failed on Windows XP F Installer "Setup Complete" dialog issues at 250% DPI F Virtual service accounts cannot interact with desktop ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.68 build here August 2019 N Support for virtual service accounts (NT Service\<Service Name>) N Command line option to create/modify/delete a restart schedule I Command line output in UTF-8 F Managed and group managed service accounts didn't work (DOMAIN\account$) ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.67 build here August 2019 N Improved notifications when in trial mode F Welcome screen adjustments at for various DPI percentages F firedaemon -v didn't show correct product name F Drawing issue for scheduled restart time origin F Removed non-functional sort headers ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.66 build here June 2019 N Installer checks for Pro 3 and optionally displays migration guide N First run wizard N Display summary for yearly duration schedules ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.65 build here May 2019 N Can no longer install 32-bit version on 64-bit OS I Removed service migration dialog from installer ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.64 build here April 2019 N Prevent the installation of the 64-bit version over the 32-bit version N Updated EULA and README I Debug log now logs the subprocess termination F GUI icon artifacts when running at 125% DPI ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.63 build here January 2019 F Schedule end date could be before start date ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.62 build here November 2018 I Resolve when Pre and Post Program run: After-Event Pre-Programs run only on successful process creation After-Event Post-Programs run on program self termination After-Event Post-Programs run on program failed creation F Increase default Memory Usage column width F Validate service definition self-completing tasks and duration schedules F Prevent creating Before-Event Pre-Programs for self-completing tasks F Before-Event Pre-Programs run before checking executable to run as service F Some services would disappear when manually refreshing the service list F Fix service list sort order when sorted on anything other than name ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.61 build here October 2018 N Support for Server 2019 N Can apply license key information during silent install I Text in Lifecycle Options dropdowns more obvious I Used the operating system "marketing name" Pro is running on F Fail detection didn't work when the subprocess has flapped already F Freeze when controlling system services from service definition dialog F License keys with ampersands didn't display in application menu ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.60 build here September 2018 F Pre-Service events didn't execute ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.59 build here September 2018 F Product might crash when opening registration dialog box ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 4.0.58 build here September 2018 N Made text in Lifecycle options clearer I License storage now shared for x86 and x64 product versions F Migrating duration schedules on specific weekdays results in wrong end time F Could not import service having 2 or more dependencies F Service dependencies would be duplicated when editing a service via the CLI F Corrected Event Log registry value settings F Service control toolbar for a system service didn't observe its startup type and status ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIREDAEMON PRO 3 THIS VERSION IS END OF LIFE. PLEASE UPGRADE. ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.15.2765 build here October 2018 N Support for Server 2019 F Freeze when controlling system services from service definition dialog ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.15.2764 build here September 2018 I Manual updates and corrections F Dependencies duplication when editing a service via CLI F Could not import XML when 2 or more dependencies present F Could not write to stdout/stderr after program crash in Job Group ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.15.2763 build here August 2018 N Maximum of 32 cores available with 32-bit FireDaemon Pro I Manual updates and corrections F Memory statistics incorrect on large memory systems > 1TB RAM F CPU mask incorrect on machines > 32 cores F GUI would quit when selecting > 32 cores on 32-bit systems F GUI would quit when selecting > 64 cores on 64-bit systems ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.15.2761 build here April 2018 I Manual updates and corrections F Stdout/stderr redirection didn't work after program exit ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.15.2760 build here December 2017 I Manual updates and corrections F Scheduled restart would sometimes launch duplicate processes F Services running in session, would not be restarted in session when Serial Number Name and Serial Number was applied F Service was not restarted if the application window style was changed F Incorrect operating system information displayed on Windows 10/2016 F Memory leak in SID/ACE cleanup ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.14.2755 build here May 2017 I Manual updates and corrections F Bulk XML import would sometimes fail ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.14.2754 build here May 2017 F Crash on Windows 10 or Server 2016 after you apply Windows Update KB4019472 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.14.2753 build here April 2017 I Double sign installers and EXEs (SHA1 + SHA2) I Manifest file removed from x86/x64 installer and OEM ZIP F XML import did not import environment variables F XML import did not import more than one dialog response F Setting restart schedule time to 12:00:00PM would cause service to continually restart F Crash when clicking service filter button in GUI on Windows 10 F Pro wouldn't launch on XP/2003 due to manifest issue F Starting services under some restrictive user accounts would fail with "Invalid Handle" ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.13.2747 build here June 2016 I FireDaemon Fusion 5 compatibility updates I Services definitions can be passed without .xml extension F Minor layout issues in Help->About when in Trial Mode F Changing Display Name prefix was impossible via XML import ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.12.2745 build here February 2016 I Pro OEM CLI setup simplified (see manual) I Skinning/theming significantly enhanced (see manual) I Language of all EXE and DLL now en-US I More detail provided when a service cannot start I Obsoleted "v" prefix and "GA" suffix in version strings I FireDaemon Pro OEM error reporting improved when product registry keys not found I FireDaemon version numbering consistent across GUI and CLI I Correct product terminology now "Pro" and "Pro OEM" I Splash screen simplified I Minor CLI text corrections I FireDaemon.exe and Core.dll have FireDaemon icon added I Numerous manual updates and corrections F Incorrect PID displayed on CLI with --status --pid when service was scheduled as subprocess had terminated F Dependencies layout glitch on Korean Windows 10 F Misplaced OK button on New/Edit dialog on Korean Windows 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.11.2737 build here (v3.11 GA) December 2015 N Automatic start FireDaemon services installed via the command line can be installed in the stopped state N Additional command line --edit options: --ScheduleDays, --ScheduleTime, ScheduleRestart, --ScheduleDefaults, --AccountName, --AccountPassword N Registry "Parameters" key now has accurate ACL applied during service install allowing firedaemon.exe to read and update when run as any user N firedaemon.exe uses exact access rights when accessing the registry avoiding trying for All Access and filling the Security Event Logs with access denied I Services faster to start/stop I All EXE and DLL digitally signed SHA256 I Better error reporting with OEM --configure when help file is missing I Fixed popup verbiage warning when running service as a regular user account I Minor text command line help text formatting improvements I Numerous manual updates and corrections F User name column in FireDaemon GUI sometimes contained invalid characters F Affinity mask value in debug log was wrong F Service configure with a Pre-Launch delay and scheduled restart would be restarted twice F Service would not restart if scheduled to run across a time range plus debug log would fill with unnecessary time checking information F When importing XML via GUI and XML is malformed, the displayed error message contained invalid characters F Services scheduled between two times would not restart the second time ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.10.2729 build here (v3.10 GA) October 2015 N Branding enhancements: - can replace word "FireDaemon" text in toolbar tooltips - can specify custom help file - can specify no help file - can change the name of "firedaemon.exe" N OEM ONLY can set "firedaemon.exe" new name and help file name via --configure N --edit --validate fully validates service config from CLI I Responsiveness of monitor thread I Numerous manual updates and corrections F Post Events were not run when Upon Program Exit was set to Shutdown FireDaemon F CLI option --edit actually works as advertised now F Debug log messages missing some descriptive text F Some debug log messages actually incorrect ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.9.2722 build here (v3.9 GA) September 2015 I FIREDAEMON and FIREDAEMON_HOME environment variables obsoleted and no longer required by product or used when locating theme/skin I Windows XP and 2003 specific EXEs obsoleted I Internal XML parser updated to MSXML 3.0 I Additional checks to prevent subprocess double start I Better formatting on export of XML config files I PreService and PostService XML exported correctly when attributes are empty I When importing PreService and PostService XML missing attributes handled gracefully I Hardened calls to external DLLs I Scheduling dates can now be after 2038 (!) I Subprocess memory working set can now be > 4GB I OEM includes MSVC 2010 SP1 redistributable I Numerous manual updates and corrections F XML import would fail if service account name contained non-standard characters or punctuation F Field scrolling issues with ultra-long service Parameters F Potential buffer overflows when reading DWORD/QWORD from registry F Erroneous error popup when trying to set service user account on built-in Windows services F XML attribute Program contained redundant attributes F Help->About->System Info didn't work on Windows 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.8.2717 build here (v3.8 GA) August 2015 I Updated executable manifests for Windows 10 I Correct identification of various Windows 10 versions in Help->About and debug log I Manual updates and corrections F GUI crash when clicking Filter button on Windows 10 F Sometimes two subprocesses would be launched on subprocess crash F Updating service user credentials on inbuilt Windows services would cause the GUI to crash F Ctrl-C not sent to console apps F Erroneous popups displayed when changing Startup Mode F Removed junk characters in Startup Mode confirmation change dialog box ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.8.2697 build here (v3.8 GA) July 2015 F DLL entry point error on XP/2003 F EXE initialisation error on 2003 x64 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.8.2685 build here (v3.8 GA) June 2015 N --edit CLI option N Can set default Job Type value for each new service created (see File -> Options) N When application is run as user - entire hive is loaded for user I File and Folder browsing dialogs are consistently all Vista styled on Vista or later I Minor splash screen and CLI --help text updates I Manual updates and corrections F Not all dependent services were shutdown when master service was stopped via GUI or CLI F Manual services did not restart in session if Graceful Shutdown was not checked F Previously run in session user was still displayed in GUI when machine was shutdown F When shutting down a service with dependencies the wrong "master" service was displayed ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.7.2660 build here (v3.7 GA) March 2014 N Switch To Session 0 button on toolbar N Text labels on toolbar buttons N FDDATE and FDTIME environment variables I Removal of erroneous and misleading debug log messages I Manual updates and corrections F --install service.xml edit would whack the entire service config instead of just replacing changed items F Unnecessary subprocess checking when service was scheduled F When app running in session and you logged off, app would not restart F Kill All missing from right-click menu F Switch to Session 0 keyboard shortcut didn't work F Time calculations on scheduled jobs incorrect when restart delays were used F Services would halt when scheduled restarts were used in conjunction with a time schedule, the app was marked as console (requiring a console control handler) and Pre-Shutdowns were enabled. F Text on last installer dialog not displayed on some RDP sessions F CLI --stop-all returned incorrect ERRORLEVEL when all FireDaemon services already stopped F CLI --start-all-automatic displayed incorrect warnings if some services were no set to automatic start F When updating a service, double quotes were stripped from the registry ImagePath F Monitoring and scheduling would live lock when a scheduled service installed on a particular day of the week was scheduled to not run on that day F FireDaemon would start two instances of the sub-process after the second sub-process failure. ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.6.2634 build here (v3.6 GA) October 2013 I Manual updates and corrections F Version checking wasn't working ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.6.2632 build here (v3.6 GA) September 2013 N Support for Windows 8, 8.1 and Server 2012, 2012 R2 N Popup suppression in Options to keep the GUI quiet N Ability to open debug log from the GUI N Switch to session 0 via the GUI or CLI N New/Edit Service dialog logical grouping of fields resulting in new Lifecycle and Logging tabs N Support for Pre Shutdown notifications (Vista or later) N Support for Managed Service Accounts (AD 2008 R2 or later) N FD_TRACELEVEL global environment variable. Set to DEBUG for massive tracing in the debug log N Support for more than 32 cores N Services are started and stopped in the background avoiding "hangs" in the GUI N Notification "strip" in GUI showing which services are being started/stopped N Kill all (GUI and CLI) brutally terminates services I Services running in session are restarted in session if the user is still logged in I Service startup/shutdown times are significantly faster I Continuous flushing of debug log, stdout and stderr I Copyright and splash screen updates I Removal of a variety of popup status messages I New logos and links in splash, Help/About and CLI I Updated EULA I Manual updates and corrections I FireDaemon Fusion compatibility update F Services ran improperly when configured to run as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE or NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE and F Misidentification of various Windows operating systems F stderr/stdout handles not freed correctly after process crash leading to inability to write stderr/stdout on restart F Under rare circumstances token handles would leak when run as certain user accounts F Column sort ascending or descending arrows visible F Very long environment variables would cause a crash F Lack of quoting of the executable would sometimes cause service start failures ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.5.2536 build here (v3.5 GA) May 2011 F Importing v3.1 or earlier XML configs would corrupt the dependency list ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.5.2535 build here (v3.5 GA) May 2011 N New CLI option --status --pid I Environment variables can be used in all paths I Unicode support I FireDaemon Fusion compatibility update I Testing messages removed from debug log I Updated EULA I Manual updates and corrections F Lines in debug log might be truncated F CtrlC registry entry contained non-printable character F Could not save Cloned Services without making changes F Dependent services were not being stopped by GUI or CLI F Attempting to run service as user might fail if .\ format was used ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.1.2527 build here (v3.1 GA) February 2011 I Manual updates and corrections F Bulk export reports incorrect quantity of services exported F Authenticode digital signature didn't work on Windows 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.1.2526 build here (v3.1 GA) January 2011 N Bring To Front GUI option N CPU utilisation column in GUI N GUI remembers column widths N Pre/Post Service apps can detatch N Global option allowing you specify Clone/Hot Clone short and display name prefix and separators N Global option to install automatic services without starting them N Can choose whether to send Ctrl+C or Break to console apps N CLI --start-all --stop-all --restart-all show progress N CLI --start option has --in-session suboption N CLI --restart option has --in-session suboption I Removal of various GUI dialog boxes to improve workflow I Dependency drop downs sorted by Display Name I Update copyright notices to 2011 I Obtuse window sizing messages in debug log removed I Options dialog not adorned with [X] I Remove Default as Run Program setting in Pre/Post Service I Alt keyboard shortcuts missing from some Service menu items I GUI text alignments and layout improvements I Updated EULA I Manual updates and corrections I Ported to VS 2010 - ships with VC++ Runtime 2010 I Support for Windows XP SP1 and SP2 dropped I Suppressed irrelevant delayed start Event Log warning on XP F Service get installed twice after clicking Apply and OK F Updating a service with dependencies always failed F Window focus when there is an invalid pre/post service exe F Help->About->Details and Debug Log misidentified Server 2008 R2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.0.2437 build here (v3.0 GA) August 2010 N Apply button in New/Edit Service dialog I Additional logging when service is "hot" updated I Graceful Shutdown now sends WM_CLOSE to top level of application only then attempts to catch popups I Better detection of VC++ runtime during installation I Manual updates and corrections F Restart at scheduled time did not restart if the time was changed F CLI XML export did not export user credentials F CLI XML import did not import stderr/stdout redirection options from Fusion correctly ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.0.2422 build here (v3.0 GA) April 2010 N New licensing - please see website N Available as native 64-bit application N --restart and --status CLI commands support wildcards I Registry keys rationalised I Version checking in OEM disabled by default I Updated EULA I Manual updates and corrections ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2414 build here (v1.9 GA) January 2010 N --start and --stop CLI commands support wildcards I Copyright year updated I Remove Windows 2000 from splash and CLI I Updated EULA I Manual updates and corrections I daeMON no longer included in installer I Executables contain Windows 7 application compatibility manifests F Wrong shortcuts placed when using installer in silent mode F When choosing Pre/Post programs residing in the root of the file system (eg. C:\) default Working Directory would not include trailing slash F FireDaemon Fusion compatibility updates ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2405 build here (v1.9 GA) December 2009 I License key entering and checking optimisations I Manual updates and corrections F Help -> About -> Details service pack info wrong on Win 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2402 build here (v1.9 GA) November 2009 N Includes daeMON v0.09 I Manual updates and corrections I Specialised OEM skin F Duplicate CLI help text F Incorrect text displayed when skinned in trial mode ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2401 build here (v1.9 Pre-GA) October 2009 N Additional skinning options (see manual) N --create options: uponexit and smffrequency F Debug log SID sometimes corrupt F Post events not run when Graceful Shutdown was unchecked F Skinning used wrong icon on New/Edit Service Dialog ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2393 build here (v1.9 Pre-GA) September 2009 N --install edit option: if service already exists just update configuration N FireDaemon Fusion compatibility release F Post processes did not run in Session on Vista/2008/7 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2385 build here (v1.9 Pre-GA) August 2009 F Post processes did not run in Session ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2384 build here (v1.9 Pre-GA) August 2009 N Includes daeMON v0.08 F Start/Restart (in Session) available to built in services (not desirable) F Service column sub-sorts by Service Display Name rather than Service Short Name when sorting by any other column F Service restart would sometimes leave services in stopped state ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2383 build here (v1.9 Pre-GA) August 2009 N Support for Windows 2000 dropped N Automatically created built-in environment variables available to sub-process, Pre-Service and Post-Service events: %FDServiceShortName%, %FDServiceDisplayName%, %FDServiceDescription%, %FDServiceExecutable%, %FDServiceWorkDir%, %FDServiceParameters% N --create options: username= password= I Removed requirement for MSI 3.0 in the installer (= smaller) I Text updates to splash screen, Help/About and CLI --help I Manual updates / corrections I Service ImagePath registry variable correctly enclosed in quotes when there are spaces in the path or name of executable F Attempt load of XML config with invalid paths to debug, stdout, stderr files would fail F Less obtuse debug message when window styles cannot be set F Pre-Service, Post-Service apps now run "in session" when Start (in session) or Restart (in session) selected ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2381 build here (v1.9 Pre-GA) July 2009 N Start application in current session (right click Start (in session). Used to defeat Vista, 2008, 7 Session 0 isolation N Ability to clone services hot (ie. complete duplication and start in one click) N Ability to clone services warm (ie. complete duplication then edit in one click) N Service updates can occur hot to avoid a service restart. FireDaemon will periodically re-poll configuration for changes and apply as necessary. N Included Service Description column in GUI N Column expansion on hover N Silent installer command line switches to control installer behaviour (see Silent Installation section in manual - F1) I Installer Windows 7 compatible I Buy Now menu item (moved from Help menu) I When applying license, GUI does not attempt to restart all services when none are present F Windows 7 not correctly identified in Debug Log and Help/About/Details F Crash when starting interactive services when user did not have sufficient permissions F Duplicate service display name error wasn't particularly helpful F Debug log file not mandatory when Debug Logging is checked F Could not open Dialog Debug Log when service was running F Right click and Service menus consistent ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2355 build here (v1.9 GA) April 2009 N CPU Bindings can be entered in Base 2, 10 and 16 N Support for upto 32 cores N Fail detection: forces hard limit on number of restarts N GUI size and location remembered N --create CLI arguments: nochecks, stopped, replace N Service menu includes Import, Export, Export All N Right click menu duplicates Service menu functionality I Tested with Windows 7 I Window styles now enforced on apps that refuse to accept style during sub-process creation I Updated support email address to integrate with Kayako I Manual updates / corrections I Installer no longer keeps persistent variables I Installer integrates with FAQ, Videos, Up2Date F When installing service with duplicate name, original service would be stopped first F Service menu shortcuts would disappear ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2339 build here (v1.9 GA) February 2009 N Action context specific menus and buttons N Debug log contains detailed OS, CPU and RAM info N Help/About/Details contains detailed OS, CPU and RAM info N Includes daeMON v0.07 I Manual updates / corrections I Updated EULA + README F Wrong app might be launched if ambiguous filename provided F Crash when importing XML via CLI with Environment section ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2325 build here (v1.9 GA) January 2009 N Can set User Defined Scheduled Restart (by second) N Debug log now contains system info N All GUI options now in File -> Options dialog - Enable/disable splash screen - Enable/disable service filtering - Set GUI refresh interval - Enable/disable version checking I Manual updates / corrections F Some menu items didn't have text descriptions F OEM --configure didn't create all registry keys F Debug log output formatting issues ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2311 build here (v1.9 GA) November 2008 N Full and web installers (MSI / EXE) available I Manual updates / corrections I Updated digital signatures ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2310 build here (v1.9 GA) October 2008 N GUI displays PID and Memory of all running services N GUI columns sortable N Can edit multiple builtin services simultaneously I GUI service refresh much smoother I Debug/stderr/stdout logs force flushed and can be opened whilst service is running I Remove "Pro" specific menu items from OEM GUI I When searching for themes if FIREDAEMON_HOME not defined use HKLM InstallationDir instead I Verbiage in default skin corrected I --uninstall-all reports how many services were removed I Updated EULA + README I Manual updates / corrections I Web based + monolithic EXE/MSI installers available F When updating built in service GUI didn't refresh F Some CLI commands returned incorrect ERRORLEVEL F Minor memory leak in GUI when closing Service dialog F GUI created incorrect HKLM reg key during version check F GUI right-click -> Restart didn't work for builtin services F Pre/Post Events leaked ACE when run as a specific user F GUI crash during refresh when installing service via CLI ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2296 build here (v1.9 GA) August 2008 N Can edit all builtin Windows services N Support for Service Control Manager Recovery options N DEP/NX support for WinXP SP3, Vista SP1 and Server 2008 N Right click menu on service list (Edit/Start/Stop/Restart/Delete) N GUI and CLI skinnable (icons, logos, text) N --export-all CLI option N --import-all CLI option N --create CLI option N --start-all-automatic CLI option N --status CLI option N All CLI commands return ERRORLEVEL N Can scheduled restart at specific time N Automatic (Delayed Start) startup mode (Vista, 2008 only) N Service PID and Memory Usage displayed in main UI N Added Task Manager to File menu N Upon Program Exit now has Reboot option I Warnings emitted to EventLog if debug and stderr/stdout cannot be opened or written to I Text fields do not reset positionally when GUI looses focus I Manual updates / corrections I Services names now accepted with - and _ I Autostart automatic services on import I Updated logos/icons I NT4 no longer supported I Updated EULA + README I Build environment prepared for open sourcing F was not imported from XML F Graphics / text alignment on splash screen F Operating system incorrectly reported in Help/About/Details ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2251 build here (v1.9 GA) August 2007 (Repackage only) I Manual updates / corrections F MSI ICE fixes F MSI update CLSID incorrect ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2251 build here (v1.9 GA) July 2007 N Installer repackaged for Vista Certification N Includes daeMON v0.05 N MSI (Microsoft Installer) also available I Manual updates / corrections I Updated EULA + README F Shortcuts wouldn't install on NT4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2251 build here (v1.9 GA) February 2007 N Includes daeMON v0.04 I Manual updates / corrections I Compatibility updates for integration with Trinity I Updated EULA + README I Hyperlink changes in Help/About F On Microsoft Cluster Server, Pre-Launch delays in conjunction with SMF timeouts could cause app to be terminated before it had completely initialised causing abnormal failover hence monitoring thread only starts _after_ monitoring interval has elapsed F Help -> About -> System Info didn't work on Vista F Dependencies drop down list incorrect height on Win2K F Some CLI commands without args would cause a crash F Dependencies Tab tab order corrected F Invalid entrypoint found when run on NT4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2246 build here (v1.9 GA) January 2007 N Works with Vista N MSI based installer for use with Group Policy and Vista N Restart all option (CLI option: --restart-all, GUI button) N Updated digital signatures N Dependencies placed in dropdown lists for easy addition N CLI product registration (--register) I Compatibility updates for integration with Trinity I Manual updates / corrections I New warnings when installing interactive services with limited privileges I Dependent services now started/restarted I UI refresh optimisation I CLI text formatting I Tidied up generated XML I Included process flap logging in debug logs I Updated EULA + README F Executable resources incorrect F Applying license key sometimes doesn't restart all services F Process was not restarted when flap detection and scheduling were both enabled F Services installed via CLI now appear in GUI F Ignore Control Flag options transposed in GUI F Could instantiate multiple GUIs in trial mode F Scheduled restart and monitoring could collide resulting in duplicate process spawn ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2203 build here (v1.9 GA) June 2006 I Manual updates / corrections I Better error message when installing service with duplicate display name I Graceful shutdown includes WM_ACTIVATE message to better support wxWidgets apps I Built against latest internal tool versions F Domain browsing sometimes didn't fill in AD domain name F Dialog Response Builder didn't save when no Title or Content specified F Could close GUI whilst waiting on user response ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2199 build here (v1.9 GA) April 2006 I Manual updates / corrections I Scheduled start and end dates now sequential F DLLs included for NT4 functionality F Popup blocking could not be disabled once enabled F Pre/Post service executable browsing chopped characters F Starting/stopping named interactive services eventually exhausted desktop ACE quota ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2196 build here (v1.9 GA) March 2006 F XML attribute not accepted via CLI ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2195 build here (v1.9 GA) March 2006 I Updated readme.txt, license.txt I Additional graceful shutdown events I Manual updates / corrections F Stderr in Stdout checked with no file name blocked output ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2192 build here (v1.9 GA) January 2006 F GUI services would not stop F Multiple empty dialog responses could be entered ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 1.9.2190 build here (v1.9 GA) January 2006 N Updated warning.txt, readme.txt, license.txt N New logos N New button on Evaluation dialog N Process IDs included in debug logs I Pre/Post executables run at same priority as main process I Default for Ignore Control flags is now Both I Minor text changes on Pre/Post tab I Append logs now clears debug, stdout and stderr logs I Account search for logon I Complete overhaul of Pre/Post execution (see manual) I Support for NT Authority\NetworkService and LocalService I Add/Remove Programs textual updates I Manual updates F OEM --configure didn't create Control registry key F Double clicking responses in Dialogs tab didn't work F Dialogs tab Frequency allowed out of bounds values F Debug logging caused failure on WinNT/2K (VS05 bug) F Post services never ran if main process was hung/crashed F Couldn't import XML if executable didn't exist F Removed null/orphaned empty Pre/Post definitions when upgrading from v1.6 F Post service events no longer killed at logoff F Possible to create services with punctuation via XML F Tool tips not present on Pre/Post tab F Reloading XML causes multiple Pre/Post definitions ----------------------------------------------------------------- * 0.0.0.X, 1.5-1.8 June 1999-December 2005 The land before time forgot.
FireDaemon Pro and Pro OEM Changelog
Modified on: Fri, 7 Mar, 2025 at 5:40 AM
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